Episode 3: Origin Stories from Matthew Lamb

In this episode, we talk about the origin story for 10K’s VP of Technology and Chief Architect, Matthew Lamb. Matt’s story recounts the time he spent at a usability company where they implemented Salesforce and his journey of starting a new company and the importance of Technical Architects. We are glad he brought his experiences […]

Episode 2: Origin Stories from Diane Shotton

In this episode, we talk about the origin story for 10K’s VP of Client Services, Diane Shotton. Her story covers how she transitioned from Financial Services to Salesforce consulting, her different roles and experience that brought her to 10K Advisors!

Episode 1: Origin Stories from Nick Hamm and Jared Miller

In this episode, we talk about the origin stories for Nick Hamm and Jared Miller. The stories cover their discovery of Salesforce, their roles and experience that brought them to 10K Advisors, and a few lessons learned along the way. 

3 Keys to Retaining Salesforce Talent

It’s time for the quarterly board meeting, and you need to pull some additional sales statistics from Salesforce to round out your report. Unfortunately, your go-to person for helping you with these types of requests left last week to take a similar position at another company, and now you’re stuck and unable to deliver the […]

Avoid These Mistakes When Working with an Overseas Development Partner

Working with consultants and developers in countries other than that of your own origin is not new, but it’s becoming increasingly common, especially in the world of Salesforce configuration and development. As the overseas Salesforce community continues to explode, keep these tips in mind as things to avoid in order to get the most out […]