We are the world's most elite Salesforce expert community

Interested in joining the 10K Expert Community?

Complete our brief application that will give our team a snapshot of your expertise, how you work, and what motivates you. This helps us be an effective matchmaker for our available projects.

Independent consultant

Do you own a business entity? 

Consulting company

Do you represent a company with multiple W2 employees?

With 10K you can do more
of what you love

Build your business

As a 10K Expert, you’re given the opportunity to diversify your client base and gain exposure to unique projects that are typically hard to find. 

Explore new areas

Our expert community represents roles and skills across the Salesforce spectrum. We promote a culture of learning and encourage trying new things. 

Work how you want

Want to work from the beach or spend more time with your family? We give you the freedom and flexibility to build a lucrative career with Salesforce.

Offload the logistics

We take on the stresses that come with entrepreneurship – signing contracts, billing clients, chasing payments – so you can focus on delivering excellent work.

Tools to work smarter

We designed 10K Connect to make your engagements easier. Our platform helps you manage everything from projects and releases to invoices and payments.

Support and camaraderie

10K was founded by four Salesforce MVPs and Hall-Of-Famers with years of consulting experience at all levels. We love to help our experts thrive. 


Emily Hinck

“Being part of the 10k Community gave me the confidence to become an independent consultant, a dream I had for a long time. 10K continues to give me confidence in my projects, knowing that if a need arises beyond my skill or availability that I have a way to support my client and get the work accomplished. ”

Working in the Salesforce ecosystem since 2012
Area of expertise: Solution Architect & Consultant
Country: USA


Pierre Desjardins

“10K has found me amazing projects with clients who are trying to make a difference in this crazy world!”

Working in the Salesforce ecosystem since 2014
Area of expertise: Consultant
Country: USA


Christina McLoughlin

“10K is vested in the growth of the independent Salesforce talent pool. They help ensure Salesforce experts are empowered to keep expanding their expertise and clients have top-talent resources available to them. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

Working in the Salesforce ecosystem since 2006
Area of expertise: Architect & Consultant
Country: USA


Tell us about your experience and goals


Schedule an interview with our team


Upon acceptance, complete your training, onboarding and 10K profile


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to new clients

Joining the 10K Expert Community:
What to expect

Know someone who might be interested in becoming a 10K Expert?